Wednesday, December 7, 2016


  • Monroe Doctrine- was a foreign policy regarding European countries in 1823. It states that they can colonize and interfere in North And South America were the U.s can intervene.
  • Spanish American War- a conflict between the Spain and The United States in 1898.
  • Roosevelt Corollary- was an addition to the Monroe Doctrine put by President Theodore Roosevelt tgat they would police unstable Latin America Nations.
  • Panama Canal- A 48-mile waterway that connects the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean.
  • General Santa Anna and Mexico- He was part of the mexican movement in which they get there independence from Spain.
  • Benito Juarez- He was a mexican politicion and lawyer and served has president for 5 terms.
  • Pancho Villa was a Mexican Revolutionary general and one of the most prominent figures of the Mexican.
  • Emiliano Zapata- He was a politicion who was tge leading of the Mexican Rrvolution and leader of the Peaseant Revolution and inspiration of the Agrarian movement.